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현지에서 통하는 영어 말하기, 박스잉글리쉬에서 시작하세요.

사람의 성격을 표현하는 단어들 모음 1
Name   :   운영자    (작성일 : 15-08-12 00:00:00 / Hit : 1945)


1. 말이 많은 : chatty

Ms. Song is chatty. She never stops talking.



2. 털털하고 사교성이 좋은 : easy-going

David is very easy-going. That's why he has lots of friends.



3. 관대하고 베풀기 좋아하는 : generous

Mr. Kim is a very generous man. He buys dinner everytime we meet.



4. 성질이 안좋은 : grumpy 

He is grumpy, he is not an easy person to get along with. 



5. 못된, 인색한  : mean  

My classmate, Tom is mean. He always bothers me.

My officemate is mean, he never treats other people even though it's his birthday.









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대표자 : 신민우 / 정보관리자 : 신민우 / 상담전화 : 1666-7689 / 상담시간 : 10:00~19:00(점심13:00~14:00)

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통신판매업신고번호 : 제2023-다산-1149호  /  이메일 : admin@boxenglish.co.kr

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